Lost a pet? Found someone else’s pet?
Read our My Pet’s Missing and If You Find a Lost Pet articles to read top advice from pet owners, shelter owners and animal control workers on what to do if a pet is lost or found.
Pet Medical Emergencies
Have a pet medical emergency? Call your vet or after-hours care pet emergency facility immediately!
If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, you can call the ASPCA Poison Control Center: (888) 426-4435. (A consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.)
For more pet healthcare tips, check our ARTICLES AND MORE section for top advice from pet experts, vets, pet owners and more.
Pets and Disasters
After a disaster, pets can be overwhelmed and stressed out. Read Pets and Disaster Preparedness for help.
Have a pet tip of your own to recommend? Email us!
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