5 Conditions to Look for When Reporting a Road Accident

CAR TRAVEL - icy road Photo Credit: Åsmund Arup Seip

If you’re in an accident, there are aspects of the surrounding environment that you want to note. Any or all of them could have played a part in what transpired.

In collision reconstruction cases, accident reconstructionists look at the many variables that may have contributed to an accident.

Road Conditions

  • Bumps and potholes, as well as the condition of the pavement or gravel, can impact the cause of an accident.

Friction Evaluation

  • Friction is the resisting force of motion between two surfaces when they are in contact.
  • Friction analysis can determine the speed of a car.

Weather Conditions

  • Where the roads slippery or wet? They may have affected the accident and will help establish the drag and speed at the time of the accident.
  • Not sure? Weather conditions are usually found in the police report and can be verified from local newspapers and weather services.

Lighting Conditions

  • Lighting is one of the most important issues involving accidents, especially at night. Many people overestimate their ability to see at night.
  • Was the light from the headlights insufficient to reveal potential collisions in time for you to react and avoid them?
  • Was a pedestrian or cyclist involved? Was the road is not adequately lit or was the victim wearing dark clothing, making it possible that you could not have seen that person until it was too late. (Pedestrians can often see the car, even when drivers cannot see the pedestrians.)

Traffic Signs and Signals

  • Examination of the relevant traffic control is crucial – especially if a driver ignored or did not see a sign or signal.
  • Experts can:
    • Establish the timing in seconds of the delay between a set of lights turning red and the other turning green.
    • Determine if the traffic signal or sign was obstructed.
    • Analyze the placement of the signs.

Photo Credit: Sam Manns

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