Filing a Digital Restraining Order

We’ve all heard of a physical restraining order – though what about a digital restraining order?

It’s something to consider if you’re receiving unwanted texts, emails, phone calls, mail – even gifts and packages – from an ex, a neighbor, a former friend or acquaintance, or even someone you don’t know.  If this makes sense for you – read on.

Types of Digital Restraining Orders

  1. Check the Restraining Orders page provided by to find out what types of restraining orders there are in your state and which one may apply to your situation.
  2. Take a deep breath and start filling out the online restraining order. Give yourself several hours to fill out the restraining order as you want to be a thorough as possible, and there’s a lot of info.

Track, Record, Report

  1. Check your calendar. You’ll need to report how long the harassment has been going on and provide details of each incident.
  2. Make a list of every incident of harassment for at least the last three months. You will need to provide this information as evidence of harassment. If the harassment has gone on longer, be sure to explain this at the end of your list.
  3. Know which provision you’d like the judge to order for you. For online and mail stalking, you’ll probably request No Contact. This will prohibit all contact, whether by phone, text, notes, or letters in the mail, fax, email, through a third person, and the delivery of flowers or gifts.

For more information, check out these helpful websites:

We live in a digital age, so if you find yourself in a situation where you need some digital help – consider a digital restraining order.

Looking for more? Check out advice on protecting your identity online.

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