Wild Animals and Natural Disasters

NATURAL DISASTERS - wild animal Photo Credit: Sarah Sykes

Wild Animals and Natural Disasters

Remember, after a natural disaster occurs, animals are disoriented and displaced, too. Domestic animals may have lost their homes, while wild animals have been forced from their natural habitats.

Both wild and domesticated animals may seek shelter in yours. Take care to avoid these animals since they are scared and confused. Do not corner an animal. If an animal must be removed, contact your local animal control authorities.

If you are bitten by any animal, seek immediate medical attention. If you are bitten by a snake, first try to accurately identify the type of snake so that, if poisonous, the correct anti-venom may be administered.

Take care to secure all food supplies to reduce the risk of the animals coming into your premises to find something to eat.

WHN TIP — Animal Illnesses: Wild animals may carry rabies or other diseases. Your local and state health department can provide information about the types of wild animals that carry rabies in your area.

If you find animal carcasses on your property, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends first contacting your local or state health and agricultural officials for guidelines on disposal of dead animals. For more information, read the CDC’s Animal Disposal Following an Emergency.

Photo Credit: Sarah Sykes

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